Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A DWTS week 2 review

Yay for DWTS last night! All in all I really enjoyed the show. Here are my thoughts on the couples and dances. Be warned though...there were a few that didn't hold my attention so I might not have much to say about those! And I don't remember the order they danced in, so the order I discuss them is going to be completely random.

Kellie and Derek. Wow. Let me say it again. WOW. I really wish Kellie had a different partner, because man does it tick me off to root for a Derek team, but I LOVE this girl. I have always been a fan, but she can dance her booty off! She stunned me last night. I'm not sure about the "jazz" part of the routine. I don't really know what constitutes a "jazz" dance, and the three we were shown last night seemed to have lots of different vibes. I love the song they danced to. Lights by Ellie Goulding has long been on my wish list for music on DWTS. I always pictured it as a paso, but it worked with the routine last night. Kellie is one of my top three picks to win this whole thing. I can't wait to see her do something soft and sweet like the V. Waltz or full of raw emotion like the paso. (Paso Doble is my very, very favorite dance, btw. Just for future reference.)

Zendaya and Val. I liked their routine, too. Zendaya's age still skeeves me out a bit, but she's just such a cutie and is really giving this her all. She's another one I have pegged to go all the way. I hope Val can keep up the choreo like he has these past couple weeks. Val tends to get cocky. I hope he doesn't let that happen this season.

Dorothy and Tristan. I felt so bad for this poor team last night. I know Dorothy was trying so hard and hated being seen as vulnerable. Her jive had no oomph to it, though, I have to admit that. Her kicks and flicks were almost non-existent. I hope they make it through, but her health and well being definitely comes first.

Aly and Mark. I was glad I got to see Aly this week! I e onjoyed their dance and it put a smile on my face, but...they ticked me off! Last season, I was hot when Derek and Shawn broke the rules in the QS by breaking hold in the middle of the dance AND put in a lift, and they rightfully got reamed by the judges. Last night, Aly and Mark did nearly the exact same thing and the judges didn't even mention it. I like when the couples play by the rules on DWTS--to me, it makes it more of a level playing field, because there are some the judges would skewer for breaking them (like Derek last season, as much as I don't like him I have to admit that) and some they would not say a word to (like Mark last night). So I was peeved with this pair last night.

Sean and Peta. I just don't really like Peta. I know nothing about Sean and he seems like an okay guy. I really liked Peta her 2nd season with Donald, but I think that may have been by association with Donald! She seems like she's trying way too hard, and I'm not fond of people like that. Just be yourself.

Andy and Sharna. Still not fond of Sharna. Still not fond of Andy. But I have to give credit where credit is due. Their routine last night was entertaining and that man is doing one million percent better than I ever imagined he would. The dance and music suited him extremely well. I have no idea how he'll do when he gets a more demanding dance though.

Ingo and Kym. I'm sorry, I didn't really pay attention to these two, so I don't have anything to say about them. Same with...

Lisa and Gleb. Gleb gives me the creeps. He is the male Peta in my mind.

Wynonna and Tony. Gosh but Wynonna is heavy footed! She's trying to hard and is really giving it her all, but she was not very quick in her quickstep. I would like to see her paso, though.

Victor and Lindsay. I tend to forget about these two. I'm not sure why I'm not connecting to Victor. Lindsay seems like a very sweet girl, but I can't help but resent her being there a tiny bit. I was a pretty big Chelsie fan, and I see Lindsay as the "Chelsie replacement" this season. Even though, to me, she does not measure up to Chelsie in any way.

DL and Cheryl. DL tried harder this week. Cheryl seems fed up. I almost think she'll breath a sigh of relief tonight when they're eliminated, because this is the team I do think will be leaving us on the first week. They both seem like they're over it. Cheryl has NEVER been voted off first, so that is sort of interesting to me. She has a pretty big fanbase all of her own, much like Maks and Derek, but I'm not sure the CherBears can pull her through this time. Hopefully she will take this time to re-charge and if she comes back next season she will be better than ever. I do so miss that season 3 Cheryl!

Jacoby and Karina. I softened on Jacoby a bit last night, seeing him dance with the little girls. I still think he holds himself in much too high a regard. Karina is awesome and I love watching her dance. I could just watch her dance for hours. I think they'll make it to the top three as well, and I'm really not sure who would win between them, Kellie/Derek and Zendaya/Val. Sort of boring to me since Derek and Val were both in the finale last season, but I love Kellie so much and I like Zendaya a lot, so I can deal with it.

That's all for now! :)

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