Sunday, July 7, 2013

Plotting on Pinterest

I've recently discovered this handy little plot device, Plotting on Pinterest. It is so much fun! I seriously can't even descripe the inspiration I get when I'm perusing through pictures of people, fashion, home decor, etc, and see things that would fit perfectly into a book I've already written. Better yet, when I see something that makes me want to write about it, to have a better picture in my head of the cast of my book, the places they go, what they would wear.

It's like a whole movie playing out in my head. I know that might sound sort of ridiculous to some people. But I get excited thinking their story is my creation, I can throw them into any situation I want and give them heartbreaks, happiness, or anything else I can dream up. And with Plotting on Pinterest, I'm well on my way to having book number 5 in the can.

Hopeful for some more writing news soon!


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