Survivor Caramoan premeried last night. This season's theme is "Fans V. Favorites" 2. Which, I don't know how they came up with these favorites. Let's do a little thing called word association, where I'm going to name a favorite, then the first word that pops into my head for each one of them. Ready? Go.
Cochran? Wimp
Dawn? Sweetheart
Brenda? Fiesty
Corrine? Pathetic
Francesca? Who?
Andrea? Two-Faced
Phillip? Insane
Malcolm? Awesome
Erik? Eh
Brandon? Really?
See what I mean? The only ones who stand out to me are Malcolm, Dawn, and MAYBE Brenda. And even Dawn is stretching it, she was just so nice I kind of love her. Now, are these people memorable? Sure. But "Favorites?" Not a chance.
The challenges were pretty cool for the premier, I enjoyed watching them both, but especially the immunity challenge. Seeing the castaways fly up and down that tower thingamabob :) was fun. I really like the colors for the tribes too, though I dont' know why I think that's important to tell you. I just thought the purple and orange went well together.
I don't know the names of any of the "fans" tribe, other than Reynolds. I think I only remember him because he got the most screen time of any of them, but I didn't like him. He someone who talks a big game but will not own up to his game or even do much in the way of actually EXECUTING his game. Anyone remember Mick from Samoa? That's who Reynolds reminded me of.
The favorites tribe. Oh, the favorites tribe. By the way, I have no idea what their actual tribe names are yet. They were all over the place before tribal council! I was terrified they were going to oust my precious Malcolm (love love love him! He's also a Georgia boy, so that makes him even better), because he couldn't beat Reyolds when tossing the sandbags, even though the Favorites had a pretty good lead.
Thankfully, Malcolm's name wasn't even brought up. Corrine was mentioned in passing. Phillip was targeted by Francesca, which I thought was a good move and I was behind her on that. I would want him gone too, because dude is a loose cannon. But then Andrea, sweet little innocent Andrea. More like lying, two faced, I'm going to blink my eyes to make you think I'm on your side Andrea. She ran and told Phillip. Why? Because she thinks he'll be more loyal? Phillip is insane, girlfriend, so I don't see that playing out. Maybe it will though, what do I know? I've never been on Survivor. Still, I thought it was stupid.
So then Brandon, doing possibly the only thing he's ever done to make me kind of like him, starts forming an alliance with Erik to get Andrea out. I was cheering. I was so excited. Blindside the weasel! Yeah!
Alas, it was not to be. Only Brenda and Francesca were on their side (damn it, Malcolm, don't make me mad at you!) and the rest voted for Fran. Poor thing. Voted out first TWICE. I thought she deserved a chance, even though I also thought it was crazy to have a first boot on the show a second time to begin with. Oh well. I did enjoy Andrea's face when she kept getting votes. An evil cackle could have come out of me.
All in all, I thought it was a good premier, and I'm looking forward to this season. So far, can you tell who I'm rooting for? Malcolm, of course. And Brenda and Dawn. I hope some of the Fans step up and show a good personality and solid gameplay as well, so I can root them on.
Tomorrow I plan to blog a little about my writing journey, so be sure to tune in!
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